
Showing posts from March, 2012

Pray for our Youth...

Today’s Challenge: Pray for our youth. I was sitting in my car during my lunch and had a strong feeling of sadness for our youth. Many times we walk through the mall or drive down the street and we see our youth doing, saying or wearing things that are distasteful. We shake our heads and may say “what is this world coming to? or "That's ashame” When we turn on the news there are more young people dying than adults... But do we ever pray for them? Do we ever stop and say a prayer for that individual? Sad to say it but I’ve shaken my head or said things negative about what I’ve seen too and I was slow to say a prayer for them. Today and here on out let us cry out to God and pray for our youth because they desperately need it… Our youth need God's presence in thier life.

Brag on God

Today’s Challenge: Tell someone something that the Lord has done for you. Sometimes we get in the habit of talking to others about the negative things in our life. Today and from here on out let’s try to talk more about the goodness of Jesus. We need to tell more about how he saved us, how he changed our lives, how he made a way out of no way, how he is just good just because he went to the cross for you and me. This is a great opportunity to brag on God and to also lead people to Christ.

Put Your Trust in God

As I looked up the definition of Trust I came across a great definition. defines trust as reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence: a person on whom or thing on which one relies: God is my trust. One thing that stood out to me is confidence. Sooooo, I looked up the word confidence and it’s defined as full trust; belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing. In both of these definitions the words strength, ability, surety, trustworthy, rely, integrity are strong words that do not indicate weakness or worry. When you sit in a chair do you first exam it, look under the seat to make sure it will hold you up, or do you just sit down knowing that it will hold you up. We should trust God in that same way we should just know that God will provide for us or will fix a situation without constantly messing with the situation. As I sit and think about trusting God I go back to a time in college when I...

Not feeling 100%

I've been a little under the weather... I will be posting soon!!! God bless!!!