Put Your Trust in God
As I looked up the definition of Trust I came across a great definition. Dictionary.com defines trust as reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence: a person on whom or thing on which one relies: God is my trust. One thing that stood out to me is confidence. Sooooo, I looked up the word confidence and it’s defined as full trust; belief in the powers, trustworthiness, or reliability of a person or thing. In both of these definitions the words strength, ability, surety, trustworthy, rely, integrity are strong words that do not indicate weakness or worry. When you sit in a chair do you first exam it, look under the seat to make sure it will hold you up, or do you just sit down knowing that it will hold you up. We should trust God in that same way we should just know that God will provide for us or will fix a situation without constantly messing with the situation.
As I sit and think about trusting God I go back to a time in college when I was TOTALLY BROKE!!! My car payment must have been a month late, I didn’t have any money, a roommate kicked me out of her apartment, I move into an apartment in a horrible neighborhood, (oh, did I mention that it was broken into and it had some sort of animal living in roof/in my apartment), my boyfriend just broke up with me, I was doing bad in all my classes and it was the semester I was graduating… Everything was going wrong for me. When I think back to that horrible semester somehow I got through it. And that somehow is God. I knew about God but I didn’t have a relationship. But he provided for me. I never went hungry because some of my friends would always invite me over to eat (not knowing I didn’t have food). I managed to pay my car note. When I got kicked out of my apartment I found a place within one day (on a three day weekend). As I recall one day I was on E and I only had a hand full of pennies. I gave the cashier the pennies and he looked at me and told me to pump my gas and don’t stop till the pump stops. The cashier put $10.00 in my tank. The point I am trying to make is that when I didn’t have a relationship with God he still looked out for me. And I did trust him. I didn’t know why I did at the time but I didn’t worry about my situation I just knew somehow it would work out. Now, when I don’t understand why things happen or even how things are going to turn out I remember that I must trust God. My trust is in God. We must put our FULL trust in God. When we put our FULL trust in God I think of it as not worrying about the situation at hand but just knowing that God will provide or work out the situation. The hard part of trusting God is saying, “Not my will but let your will be done.” I had to learn when I put my trust in God that things may not turn out how I want it but God knows what’s best for me. Remember in my college situation God didn’t drop a big sum of money my way but he did provide ways to supply my needs. Even now, I am going through a situation but I trust God. It’s scary not knowing how things will turn out but I do know that trusting God is a lot easier than me trying to fix it myself. I pray that our faith/trust in God will be stronger and that we are able to have a testimony at the end to tell others and lead them to Christ. God bless you!!!
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