Getting Ready for a Wedding with Jesus
On April 8, 2012 an amazing man of God proposed to me in front of church. So, the next thing was planning a wedding. We didn’t want a long engagement so the date was set for May 12, 2012. That meant I had to get wedding together in 5 weeks. Wedding dress, bridesmaid dresses tuxedos hair, shoes, receptions, decorations, cake, invitations, programs, music, etc. The list went on and on. Everyday was consumed with running this way and that way. Everything came together beautifully. My wedding day was spent getting ready for my future husband. My hair had to look just right, my dress had to fit just right (no spots or wrinkles) my veil had to lay just right. I even made sure that my dress was handled with care so that nothing would happen to it. However, the preparations for my wedding were so stressful and I was so tired, I even cried and got upset. None of those things matter when the double doors opened and I saw my groom waiting at the end of the aisle with a smile.
The thought came to me that I am still preparing for a wedding. A wedding when I meet Jesus one day. The preparations will cause tears, I get tired sometimes, I even get upset,the preparations will and should consume our thoughts and behaviors daily, but it’s worth it when those pearly gold gates open and I see Jesus waiting on the other side. However, I have to make sure that I don’t have a spot, wrinkle or blemish because that’s what Jesus wants in his bride. No matter how much preparation I do but have a spot on me Jesus won’t accept me. So, I am doing all I can to clean those spots and iron out those wrinkles, and bleaching those blemishes by prayer and fasting. By asking God to create in me a clean heart and renew a right spirit in me by sacrificing fleshy desires and being sold out for Jesus!!!
Congratulations!!! I was wondering where you were...hehehe I wouldnt want a long engagement either. :) Just get everything over and done with soo the real part of marriage can begin.