
Showing posts from February, 2012

God wants it All

Matthew 19: 16-23 talks about a rich young ruler. The rich young ruler was so excited about Jesus and wanted to know what he could do to obtain eternal life. When Jesus instructed him to keep his commandants the young ruler was happy to reply that he kept all the commandants since he was little. Than Jesus told the rich young ruler to sale all his riches and give it to the poor. Jesus told him if he did he would have treasures in heaven and he would be able to follow Jesus. Unfortunately, the rich young ruler was not happy about the last part of the statement because he had a lot of money. The rich young ruler walked away very sad. When I look at the rich young ruler, I think of myself. Last year I started to change my life around. I wasn’t sure about everything I needed to do to get right but I was determined to do it. I began to pray and ask God about it and he gave me my answer. But it was up to me to follow his instructions. I was stubborn about a few things because I was so stuck...

Let loose and Cry out to God!!!

Today’s Challenge: Let loose and cry out to God. Today I encourage you to take some time today and get in a quiet place. Once you find a quiet place start praying and don’t hold back. Don’t worry about anything but focus all your energy on God. CRY OUT to him!!! Let loose and don’t worry about being too loud or about the way you look (after all you are by yourself). Seek God for an experience of his presence. (I can remember before I was saved, I would look at people in the church and wonder how they were able to let loose and pray. I wonder how they could just ignore everything around them and praise God without caring what people thought. I tried it last year for the first time. I just Cried Out to God in desperation to live right. The tears rolled down my cheeks, my nose was running, my face was probably red, my voice was cracking but I didn’t care I wanted the experience. And I got it… it was an experience like no other!!!) WARNING: You will only get out what you put in. So DON’T H...

Stop Playing the Victim

Often times in situations such as disagreement/arguments or when things didn’t go my way in the pass I would play the victim. I would automatically get in my feelings, get an attitude and choose to respond to the situation as if everyone was out to get me. Often times I would rehearse in my head how I would respond to that person the next time we would speak. Or I would dwell on whatever didn’t go my way and go around with my lips poked out and had an attitude with everyone. Lately, God has brought this to my attention. Basically he told me,”STOP PLAYING THE VICTIM!!!” It so easy to throw myself Pity Party and of course I was VIP. I never looked at the situation from the other person’s point of view and most importantly I never looked at the situation from God’s point of view. When I started looking at the situation from the other person point of view I notice that I looked at the person and their background. I also ask myself, “Is there something I’m doing or how I’m responding that ...

Mend a broken relationship

Today’s Challenge: Mend a broken relationship. Take time to think of a relationship you had with someone that’s been on the rocks and think of some ways you can fix it. It doesn’t matter if it was your fault or theirs that caused it to go bad but do your part to fix it. It’s a slow process and it may not work the first time that you try to reach out to them but try again. Just keep in mind when God reached out to you, you didn’t listen the first, second or third time but he continue to give it another chance. The challenge is to try and don’t give up the first time!!! You never know that by you reaching out to them you could lead them to Christ. Have a bless day!!!

Examine yourself

Today’s Challenge: I woke up with conviction this morning. I felt like I needed to take my relationship with God to another level. Often times I find myself on fire for God and doing everything I can to spend time with him. Other times I feel like I am going through the motions (I really hate when I feel this way). So, today’s challenge is to examine yourself. Pray and ask God to remove those things that are not pleasing to him out of your life. Ask him to purge you of any behaviors or conversations that are not like him. Then alter your daily routines to include more time with God. One thing that I need to work on is my prayer time. Sometimes I can get so engaged with my surroundings and irrelevant stuff that mind seems to wonder when I talk with God. This is something I will work on and it WILL change. Have a Bless Day!!!

I flushed my Potty Mouth

Have you ever been out shopping or grabbing a bite to eat and you hear someone cursing? I mean every word out of their mouth is a four letter curse word. I was that person almost every word out of my mouth was a curse word. I called my friends female dogs and would let the f word slip all the time. Oh, and don’t let me be upset, the curse words came flowing out of my mouth like a river. . Sometimes they would even slip at church while I would whisper to a friend. (Of course I felt bad when I did it at church). Smh, yes I was that person who didn’t care what people thought about me when I used those words. BLEEP, BLEEP, BLEEP this and BLANK, BLANK that… was the extent of my vocabulary. When I started changing my life around I wanted to stop cursing. Oh man was it hard as ever! I would do okay until I became relaxed in a conversation and BOOM a curse word. I would immediately ask God to forgive. Then I thought I was getting better until I went to kickball practice and BOOM another curs...

I was sooo Fake!!!

Many people are labeled or called “Fake” daily. Some people describe being “Fake” as a person that will smile in your face or be friends with you one moment then behind your back talk about you. Some would describe a “Fake” person as a person who pretends to be one way and acts another way in front of different people. I agree with both. Being “Fake” is most defiantly frowned upon and not socially accepted. As I searched for a deeper understanding of “Fake”, I began to look at it in a different way. A person can also be “Fake” towards God. Being “Fake” towards God is saying, “I am a Christian.” But you don’t act like one. Being “Fake” toward God, is when you go to church on Sunday and praise God but the rest of the week you give him no thought. Being “Fake” towards God is when you only call on him when you are in trouble or need something. (There are plenty more examples but you get the point.) I am sad to say that I was being “FAKE” as well. I would go to church on Sunday and clap my...

Show someone they are appreciated

Today's challenge: Today is Valentine's Day and today is not only for couples but for others too...Today I challenge you to show someone that they are appreciated by giving them a card, candy, words of encouragement or a sweet note... You don't have to be in a relationship to show love... Also, read John 3:16 this is an example of TRUE LOVE!!! Have a Bless Day!!!

My test

Lately I’ve been praying that God will give me patience’s for people and situations in my life. I prayed that I could be patient with others and situations like he was patient with me while I was walking in darkness. I am praying for patience’s because I am going through a big test in my life. It seems like everything is not going my way. This is kind of hard for me because I was use to getting what I wanted quickly. I must say that this test is very difficult for me because I am being tested in more than one area in my life. Sometimes I am able to brush off the disappointments and other times I began to get discourage but I know that I must keep the faith. During it all I am continually reminded of Job in the bible. How everything was taken from him in one day kids, cattle, land, health, house etc. But yet he said, “And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD. Job 1:2...

Give up something for an hour

Today’s Challenge: Give up something for an hour. Example- give up checking your Facebook or watching your favorite television show. During this time spend time praying and reading the bible. Sometimes we seek God for things but we are not willing to give up things for him. Have a Bless day!!!

Have a lunch break with Jesus

Today's Challenge: Have a lunch break with Jesus... Take ten/fifteen mintues out of your lunch break and have a little talk with Jesus. Read a scripture and give him praise for everything he has done for you. Remember Jesus love's you!!!

No More DRINKS!!!

It all started in the summer of 2007 after I crossed for AKA, I took my first drink of wine with my ex boyfriend. For the longest I refused any drink of any kind because I was proud that I did not do those things. I finally gave in and thought, “What was the harm of drinking wine?” Everyone told me that wine is a classy drink for classy people. So, I did. Well, of course I loved the way it made me feel. I would sip it as the cliché goes. But sipping was not enough for me I began to drink a bottle at a time to keep that feeling going. By the fall of 2007 I was drinking wine like it was Kool aid. Then I thought, “Hmmm, wine is cool so maybe I should try vodka and juice mixed together.” Long story short I became a “Social Drinker” that drank all the time. I would drink with my Sorority sisters, I would drink with my ex, I would drink by myself just because. Drinking was so cool to me because I blended in like everyone else. The parties were so much more fun when I had a couple of drinks....

Pray for your work enviroment...

Today’s Challenge: Pray for your work environment. You may have a nagging boss, negative co-workers, difficult work load, or just people you would like to avoid all together. But I encourage you to pray for them. Instead of feeding into the negative environment respond with a positive attitude and a quick prayer for the person that may be causing you trouble. By responding with a positive attitude we are allowing God’s light to shine through us. By saying a prayer for them we are opening a door for them to be able to set free from that negative mindset that the enemy gave them.(When you pray for blessing in their life…Pray for those negative spirits to be released from them.) Before, you know it the comments and negativity will just roll off your back and the situation will be changed. Have a Bless Day!!!


Question??? What is your relationship status with Christ??? *Single-you're doing your own thing... *In a relationship-you love him but as soon as something goes wrong you leave... *Engaged-you are really thinking about being fully committed/about to take a serious step... *Married-you are fully committed and nothing is going to separate you from him, through the good times and the bad, you are completely sold out to him... *It's complicated- you don't know where you stand with him, you call him only when you get lonely our in trouble... (ask yourself) Its important to be in a fully committed relationship with him, after all, he died for you...

Lord, I need you now

"I Need You Now" [Verse 1:] Not a second or another minute Not an hour of another day But at this moment with my arms outstretched I need you to make a way as you've done so many times before. Through a window or an open door, I stretch my hands to the come rescue me I need you right away. [Chorus:] I need you now [Verse 2:] If I never needed you before To show up and restore all of the faith that I let slip. While I was searching the world for more, the truest friend I have in thee Your my best friend I know I need, I stretch my hands to the come rescue me I need you rite away. [Bridge:] The agony of being alone The fear of doing thing on my own The test and trials that come to make me strong. The feelings of guilt, hurt, shame, and defeat The waves and trials that beat up on me but to know Lord that in you I've got victory. [Chorus x4] ..... Sometimes we pray for materialist things like jobs, cars, money etc. Lately, I’ve been praying for closeness with Go...

Press On

This morning, before doing my hour of prayer, the enemy started putting thoughts in my head to go back to sleep and do my hour of prayer later. I have to admit I was tired and wanted to go back to sleep but I knew if I pushed it off I wouldn’t do it. So, I pressed my way out of bed and began to pray. The enemy came back while I was praying and put every thought in my head to distract me from my talk with God. However I pressed on and kept praying. I noticed when I started praying that tired spirit left me. If we could just continue to press on when things get rough or even when we don’t feel like it we will reap the rewards of being loyal and faithful to God. The enemy will try to trick you and tell you that it’s no use and that you are wasting your time. Just remember God blesses those who remain loyal to him.

Thank God for the Simple things

In 2012 I began to realize that I can be very ungrateful when it comes to God’s blessings. I was really seeking God for a new job where I could make more money. I was blessed to go on two interviews but they choose someone else. I was heartbroken. I couldn’t understand why God would get my hopes up and then I get let down. However, when I received the news I set up in bed and thank God for the opportunity to interview with the company. That was a big deal to me because this time instead of crying and getting all worked up about it I thanked God. I started to thank God for everything for waking me up, for the ability to walk, my current job, my car, food, clothing, saving me etc. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in the things we want and forget or look passed what God does for us on a daily bases. I encourage all to wake up in the morning and give God thanks for the simple things that we take for granted. I encourage all to praise God no matter what is happening in our lives that seem t...

Virtuous Woman

Proverbs 31:10-31 King James Version (KJV)   10 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.   11 The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil.   12 She will do him good and not evil all the days of her life.   13 She seeketh wool, and flax, and worketh willingly with her hands.   14 She is like the merchants' ships; she bringeth her food from afar.   15 She riseth also while it is yet night, and giveth meat to her household, and a portion to her maidens.   16 She considereth a field, and buyeth it: with the fruit of her hands she planteth a vineyard.   17 She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.   18 She perceiveth that her merchandise is good: her candle goeth not out by night.   19 She layeth her hands to the spindle, and her hands hold the distaff.   20 She stretcheth out her hand to the poor; yea, she reacheth forth her ha...

I like to create things too

I made a fruit arrangement one day and it didn’t turnout bad. But it was very time consuming and messy…   I started getting sleepy at work so I wondered into another classroom and to my surprise they were decorating cupcakes… I decided to make the Rally Squirrel since I’m from Saint Louis, the home of the 2011 WORLD SERIES CHAMPIONS!!! (And yes, I am bragging… lol) Go Cardinals!!!

When I get bored I cook

Buffalo Wings and Philly Cheesesteak If you are wondering here is the answer to your questions, No, I didn’t cook both of these in the same night..LOL,

Ice Cream Cake

My first Ice Cream Cake I made it for my mom’s birthday 12/10/2011 and she loved it!!! She loved it sooo much that half of it was gone in five hours… and only a slice was left by the end of the night… of course with the help of some friends!!!

My first Thanksgiving Meal!!!

I cooked my first Thanksgiving Meal last year… I was so excited!!! And guess what??? I DIDN’T BURN UP ANYTHING andddddd EVERYTHING TURNOUT WONDERFUL!!! I cooked mixed greens with smoked turkey leg meat, mac and cheese, sweet potatoes, dressing and Herb Roasted Turkey… (I prayed the whole time I was a Thanksgiving Day service that my turkey wouldn’t burn… ;) )

Relaxed to Natural

Okay, enough is enough…I am going natural!!! I am tired of the breakage and damage I am doing to my hair because of relaxers. I am done. My last relaxer was September 24, 2011 and I am determined to get my thick healthy texture back.   The last couple of weeks I’ve been researching on YouTube and other blogs about natural hair and I know with God I can do this thing. However, I am not doing it the way others have in the pass. I am not doing the BIG CHOP or trimming the relaxed ends off…I am going to let God show me what’s best for my hair. I pray over my hair daily and I also take Hair, Skin and Nail Vitamins… I am on my way and I am EXCITED!!! Oh wait, I am also nervous, lol, but I know it’s the enemy trying to get in my head but I pray without ceasing and putting it in GOD’s hands!!!

Denouncing my membership from Alpha Kappa Alpha

January 15 use to be an exciting day for me, but in April 2011 something changed me... I was praying to God asking him to reveal the things to me that I needed to change or let go in my life so that I could be closer to him... I had a dream one night in April that I was holding my AKA key chain and it fell out of my hand, as it hit the floor it broke in half, the pink broke away from the green and the AKA ... broke off... It took me two weeks to be obedient because I was scared of what people would think, but I finally began my process off denouncing my membership... I told the AKAs about my decision and some supported me but to my surprise some had already did the same thing... This was a big decision but it wasn't the only thing that I had to let go to be fully committed to Jesus and to be in his will...I had to let it go so that I could be closer to God... Many people think that these Sororities and Fraternities are harmless but I noticed the more I read my bible the more i...

The new me!!!

The old me... Walking in darkness... :( This is a picture of the New Me!!! Walking in Holiness and 50lbs lighter :)

Straight Street and Broadway

One day a long time ago I decided to buy this unique GPS. This GPS was like no other. It was the only GPS of its kind and it guaranteed that if I followed it’s directions it would get me to a Special place. So, I started using the GPS and it lead me to a road called, “Straight Street”. I notice sometimes the road was smooth but often times I notice the road was very bumpy and rough. I didn’t understand why but the GPS assured me that I was going in the right direction on “Straight Street”. As I traveled I also notice some other things like how narrow “Straight Street” was and how there weren’t too many people traveling down this road. I started to think my GPS was broken and I thought maybe I should return it. One day as I was traveling down, “Straight Street” I noticed the road getting really bumpy and I hit a couple of huge pot holes. I started to get upset and could not understand why “Straight Street” was so difficult to follow if it was suppose to lead me to a Special place. I ...