I was sooo Fake!!!

Many people are labeled or called “Fake” daily. Some people describe being “Fake” as a person that will smile in your face or be friends with you one moment then behind your back talk about you. Some would describe a “Fake” person as a person who pretends to be one way and acts another way in front of different people. I agree with both. Being “Fake” is most defiantly frowned upon and not socially accepted. As I searched for a deeper understanding of “Fake”, I began to look at it in a different way. A person can also be “Fake” towards God. Being “Fake” towards God is saying, “I am a Christian.” But you don’t act like one. Being “Fake” toward God, is when you go to church on Sunday and praise God but the rest of the week you give him no thought. Being “Fake” towards God is when you only call on him when you are in trouble or need something. (There are plenty more examples but you get the point.) I am sad to say that I was being “FAKE” as well. I would go to church on Sunday and clap my hands and sing but I was at the club the night before dancing and drinking. I would tell people that I was “SAVED” but my life did not show it. I would go to church and come home and get high. I would tell everyone I was a Christian but I was fornicating. (Just to name a few) I was “FAKE” and on my way to hell. And the worst part of it all is that I KNEW BETTER. I knew what I was doing was wrong but to justify everything I would say, “God knows my heart” or “The bible says not to Judge” so that I could be comfortable with walking in darkness. I also said, “God is working on me” but the truth be told is that I did what I wanted to do and put on a false image of being a Christian. I was a hypocrite!!! I had to examine myself. I was tired of living a lie. I was either a Christian or Not. I was either walking in light or darkness. There isn’t a gray area. The bible say in Revelations 3:16,” So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.” That means that it is unacceptable and I would’ve been bond to hell. I had to examine myself. I had to change and give up those things that caused me to be lukewarm. I had to get down on my knees and cry out to God to forgive me and to show me how to be a Christian. And guess what… He did!!! God is one Awesome God. He will change you if you are willing to give up and be completely SOLD OUT… I’m not perfect but every time I mess up I am asking God to not only forgive me but to show me how to get it right the next time…


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