God wants it All

Matthew 19: 16-23 talks about a rich young ruler. The rich young ruler was so excited about Jesus and wanted to know what he could do to obtain eternal life. When Jesus instructed him to keep his commandants the young ruler was happy to reply that he kept all the commandants since he was little. Than Jesus told the rich young ruler to sale all his riches and give it to the poor. Jesus told him if he did he would have treasures in heaven and he would be able to follow Jesus. Unfortunately, the rich young ruler was not happy about the last part of the statement because he had a lot of money. The rich young ruler walked away very sad. When I look at the rich young ruler, I think of myself. Last year I started to change my life around. I wasn’t sure about everything I needed to do to get right but I was determined to do it. I began to pray and ask God about it and he gave me my answer. But it was up to me to follow his instructions. I was stubborn about a few things because I was so stuck in the mind frame that it doesn’t take all of that to serve God. However, I continue to ask God about it and he gave me the answer. I finally obeyed and gave it up!!! As I began to get rid of things in my house, drinking, partying, smoking, relationships, sorority, clothing I noticed that I really didn’t need any of those things to keep me happy. All I needed was God. It was an amazing discovery… Often times we are willing to give up some things for God…But are we willing to give up ALL OF IT??? This is a question I often ask myself. I am reminded of a song by Forever Jones, “He Wants it All”, this song basically says that God is searching for a heart that is willing to give it all up to follow him. God is truly searching for a desperate heart a heart that is longing to do whatever it takes to please him. Are you willing to give it all up or are you still holding on to something that will cause you not to enter into the kingdom of Heaven??? "For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?"--Mark 8:36 (Is it worth losing your soul?)


  1. I LOVE the song "He Waants it All" by Forever Jones. Check it out on youtube...beautiful song (sorry..I'm a music head :D)

  2. This is so true! The sad part about the rich young ruler is that he went away sorrowfully. It wasn't that he didn't love Jesus and want to follow Him- but He didn't love Him enough to give up everything! God forbid we walk away from the Lord sorrowfully because we don't want to give up our treasures and possessions in the world.

    "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him."(1 John 2:15)


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