January 15 use to be an exciting day for me, but in April 2011 something changed me... I was praying to God asking him to reveal the things to me that I needed to change or let go in my life so that I could be closer to him... I had a dream one night in April that I was holding my AKA key chain and it fell out of my hand, as it hit the floor it broke in half, the pink broke away from the green and the AKA ... broke off... It took me two weeks to be obedient because I was scared of what people would think, but I finally began my process off denouncing my membership... I told the AKAs about my decision and some supported me but to my surprise some had already did the same thing... This was a big decision but it wasn't the only thing that I had to let go to be fully committed to Jesus and to be in his will...I had to let it go so that I could be closer to God... Many people think that these Sororities and Fraternities are harmless but I noticed the more I read my bible the more i...
Very true! I thought about this same thing- that if I spend so much time on things that are earthly, I should be able 2 spend more time with God. He should be #1