My test
Lately I’ve been praying that God will give me patience’s for people and situations in my life. I prayed that I could be patient with others and situations like he was patient with me while I was walking in darkness. I am praying for patience’s because I am going through a big test in my life. It seems like everything is not going my way. This is kind of hard for me because I was use to getting what I wanted quickly. I must say that this test is very difficult for me because I am being tested in more than one area in my life. Sometimes I am able to brush off the disappointments and other times I began to get discourage but I know that I must keep the faith.
During it all I am continually reminded of Job in the bible. How everything was taken from him in one day kids, cattle, land, health, house etc. But yet he said, “And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD has taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD. Job 1:21” I am reminded how he struggled with keeping his head up. He went through ups and downs but he never cursed God. He continued to talk to God and praise him in spite of losing everything. I have noticed when a disappointment comes my way instead of getting upset right away I just thank God for the opportunity. It is very difficult at times and the enemy tries constantly to put bad thoughts in my head. But I know I serve a mighty all powerful God that will see me through.
“Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain my own ways before him. Job 13:15” I think of this verse often during this test, that no matter what happens Lord I will trust you and continue to praise you. This verse speaks volumes to me to think that God has a master plan for me but I have to remember as a Christian I have to suffer for him. If we can just endure the suffering and the test in our lives God will reward us. At the end of the book of Job, God blessed him double.
Sometimes we are tested to learn a valuable lesson. Sometimes we are tested to take something out of us that is not like God. Sometimes we are tested so that we know where we stand with God (it’s easy to say you trust God when everything is going well. But will you still trust him when you are being tested?).
For whatever reason I am going through this test I refuse to turn back to darkness. I refuse to let the enemy to plant seeds of doubt and confusion. From this day forward, I will have a song of praise in my heart and I will continue to praise God for the blessing that will come my way. As I pray, Not my will Lord but let your will be done, I know that God is with me.
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